Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Can YOU PLEASE Stop Complaining!!!

“I loathe my life; I will give free utterance to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul." ~ Job 10:1

I'm going to be as real as I can be!  If I was Job's wife I would have not said what she said to him HOWEVER I would say something along this line "Oh would you just SHUT UP and jump off a bridge already!" I'm just saying.....

Yes, I'm repenting as I typed it! Yet, I cannot deny the truth of the matter!  :)  Listen, there is so much negativity you can be around before it affects you.  The bible puts it like this about the wife, but the husband's do not stay far behind:

"Better to live out in the desert than with a nagging, complaining wife". ~ Proverbs 21:19

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Living Life Unlimited, You and Yours....

Today, many households are struggling with health issues and finances and it's time to take back our lives and reclaim what was given to us by Jesus!  Let me share with you how:

The Life Unlimited opportunity allows you to have the future that you want—the healthy body, the money to support your family, and to give hope to all people. Life Unlimited is not just about a product or money, and it’s not a segregated way of thinking; it’s a well-rounded mission to help people be the best they can be and win in all areas of their life.
Join those who are ready to take control of their life and family's by attending a THURSDAY FREE Webinar OR send me a contact number where you may be reached and I will connect with you.  Send to:embracingyourpotential@yahoo.com

Tune in EVERY THURSDAY at 10pm est or 9pm cst

Marriage Recipe

Marriage Recipe